Day: February 20, 2022

Home Shopping Ideas that are EasyHome Shopping Ideas that are Easy

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So, you want to make your home both beautiful and cheap (or expensive if that’s your style).

       What many people don’t realize is that it’s entirely possible to do so.

       And guess what? It’s not even all about the money.

       Yes, while at times there are some things you really can’t do without spending a lot of money, there are plenty of other things you can do that cost absolutely next to nothing.

       Some ideas include: DIY, rearranging furniture/additions, and shopping online. go now

                In recent years I’ve been drawn towards “homes” more than ever before in my life. I don’t know if it’s because I’ve grown older or because they are just so beautiful to me now, but either way it doesn’t matter.

                The point is that when you’re decorating your own home, it gives you a chance to show off your own personal style and tastes in life. So why not use it to your advantage? go now

       Speaking of my own personal style, I like to go (cheap) shopping for home ideas. It’s fun and interesting to see what kind of things they have out there. Here are some great ideas that you can look into if you ever want something new in your home:

                1. A Moroccan rug.

                2. A porch swing.

                     3. Some houseplants.

                4. A new sofa or love seat, maybe even a recliner.

                5. Art for your walls! You can find some wonderful prints on places like Etsy or Ebay go now

Did GW really cut down a cherry tree?Did GW really cut down a cherry tree?

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       George Washington is an important character in American history. He was he first president of The United States. go now


George Washington was asked one day to come look at a cherry tree that had been chopped down. George’s father told him not to touch it because it would make George seem guilty of cutting down the tree, which George Washington quickly denied doing. George’s father ordered George to tell who cut down the tree or else George would be severely punished. George cried and said that he did not cut down the cherry tree despite his father believing otherwise. His confession brought to light two things:

1) “The Cherry Tree Incident” showed George’s honesty


2) it showed how important religion was during this time period. Some believed that George could not have cut down the tree because George was devoted to God, and that George would not lie about such a thing. George’s father’s response can be interpreted in many different ways; however, George Washington continued on with his life and became president at a later time in his life. go now


George Washington is most famous for helping America become an independent nation. George knew that independence from Britain was inevitable so he fought for it until the day of its occurrence. George led American forces against British troops during the Battle of Yorktown in 1781 Battle of Yorktown, Virginia (now called simply Yorktown). After this important battle George helped America establish itself as a new country free from England. He also founded The United States Military Academy at West Point. go now